Our Mission

BornFree Collective is a compassionate and empowering organization committed to supporting survivors of systemic Injustice. We believe that every individual has the right to live a life free from oppression, trauma, and the long-lasting effects of systemic abuse.

We are a new LLC with a goal to create a safer and happier world by expanding media literacy and access to resources. We aim to connect people with non-profits, share volunteer opportunities, provide educational materials, and create a strong community of kindness.

Our mission is Simple… Provide resources for those who need help and Awareness for All.

What is Systemic Injustice?

The term “Systemic Injustice” refers to the discrimination and inequities present within the social, economic, and political systems of a society. It encompasses a range of issues such as racial discrimination, gender inequality, socioeconomic disparities, and other forms of marginalization. To combat systemic injustice, a crucial approach is to promote media literacy by providing resources and knowledge.

What is Media Literacy?

Media literacy empowers individuals to critically analyze and interpret media messages, enabling them to recognize bias, stereotypes, and misinformation. By offering accessible and comprehensive educational resources, such as workshops, online courses, and informative content, we can equip people with the tools to navigate media effectively and question dominant narratives. This initiative aims to foster a more informed and discerning society, encouraging active engagement, empathy, and the dismantling of systemic injustice at its roots.

At BornFree Collective, we understand that systemic abuse can take many forms, including but not limited to domestic violence, sexual assault, racial discrimination, economic exploitation, and other forms of oppression. We recognize that these experiences can have a profound impact on survivors, often affecting their mental, emotional, and physical well-being. That is why we are dedicated to offering comprehensive support services tailored to meet the unique needs of each survivor.

BornFree Upcoming Projects

As a brand-new organization, we are still getting our ducks in a row. If you want to get involved, please reach out! We are currently working on:

  • Applying for Non-Profit Status

  • Forming a Board of Directors

  • Connecting with Non-Profits

  • Gathering more resources and creating a support staff

  • Adding finishing touches to our first Merch Line

  • Developing an online Media Literacy course and certification

  • Generating Awareness!